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GTNash guides:

How to use GTNash

Using GTNash with SageMath

To be able to use GTNash with Jupyter notebook, the package must be installed in sage python.

While the file is present at the root, open a terminal in the root of the repertory a execute the following command:

sage -pip install -e .

Or if you need to use relative path:

"path_to_sage"/sage -pip install -e "path to repository"/gtnash/

If executed properly, you should be able to have the following output when using sage:

│ SageMath version 9.4, Release Date: 2021-08-22                     │
│ Using Python 3.9.5. Type "help()" for help.                        │
sage: import gtnash                                                             
sage: gtnash                                                                    
<module 'gtnash' from '"Path to the repository"/gtnash/gtnash/'>

Another possibility, if you are using Sagemath in Jupyter, is to open a Python 3 notebook (in the gtnash/ directory) and execute a cell containing the command:

pip install -e .

3 ways to use Jupyter instance hosting notebooks on the GTNash library.

The Binder way


This repository is hosting a Dockerfile enabling binder to expose the GTNash project Notebooks.

More information on Binder

By clicking on the icon on top, you should acces to a jupyter instance hosting the notebooks.

The SIWAA way

SIWAA is a web site hosting interactive tools and applications.

A direct access to the jupyter launcher -->

Launching a Jupyter notebook on your own computer (Linux)

This is another way to use the notebooks by launching a jupyter instance on your localhost.

Copy/Paste the command line on a teminal.

docker run -p 8888:8888

and click this link

To manage the container:

  • docker container list : to list the containers running and get the ids
  • docker stop [idOfTheContainer] : to stop the container
  • docker pull : to update the local image of the container.

To install docker:

A straightforward and simple tuto dedicated to the 20.04 of Ubuntu : Comment installer Docker sur Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa

To update the image of the container hosted on the registry of this repository

Follow the link: